1/5 SOLD - Joan Ross-The beginning of greed


This work re-imagines & highlights the greed and insensitivity of the colonisers catching the whole glut of salmon on that day in Kirribilli in 1790 in 2 large nets, whilst the indigenous women look on, catching fish for just their family and cooking on their canoes

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This work re-imagines & highlights the greed and insensitivity of the colonisers catching the whole glut of salmon on that day in Kirribilli in 1790 in 2 large nets, whilst the indigenous women look on, catching fish for just their family and cooking on their canoes

This work re-imagines & highlights the greed and insensitivity of the colonisers catching the whole glut of salmon on that day in Kirribilli in 1790 in 2 large nets, whilst the indigenous women look on, catching fish for just their family and cooking on their canoes

Artist name Artwork title Dimensions(size & weight) Type & Medium Gallery
Joan Ross The beginning of greed 120 x 50 Painting/Print N.Smith Gallery

All funds raised will go to the artist and to the Australian Marine Conservation Society who are helping fight the effects of climate change on our oceans. Many thanks to the representing gallery in support of this art prize.

Joan Ross is represented by N. Smith Gallery